Tips for Surviving the Holidays from the Pros


'Tis the season...countless holiday parties, cocktails, cookies and more.  Here, some of the pros weigh in on their tips to enjoy the holidays without doing a number on your waistline, leading to more challenging New Year's resolutions.

"Be smart about your choices and know your limits!" Enjoy and's two of many the things we all will do while on vacation during the holiday. If time is an issue while traveling during the holidays, do 30-minute workouts and eat small portions. The rule of a glass of water for every alcohol drink helps to keep your caloric counts down too. The smarter you are about your choices, the better off you'll be soon after the New Year.  Happy Sweaty Holidays!

 - Ray Wallace, NYC

Chief Fitness Strategist & Founder of FIT RxN and celebrity trainer Ray Wallace is excited to extend his brand to YG Studios. Mr. Ray ensures that he offers his clients the most comprehensive and effective fitness experience in the industry! With over 16 years in the health & fitness world, he has extensive experience with the launching of group training programs at major New York City fitness institutions such as Equinox and NYSC. Mr. Ray has the sharpened skillset to set YOU up for success right out of the gate.


"Workout the way you want to feel when you walk out." That feeling for both the mind and body is the most motivating and personally keeps me focused no matter what the season.  Check out my article on for 5 exercises to keep you feeling strong and balanced especially during this time of year.

Sydney Benner, Los Angeles

A dancer, yogi, runner, hiker and teacher, Sydney Benner has been named one of the "Best LA Barre Instructors" and has been written up in The LA Times and the Hollywood Reporter. Sydney created her own technique called FLIGHT, fusing dance, yoga, cardio, and fitness to custom electronic dance music tracks, which takes place in dance clubs with a live DJ! Sydney can be seen as a yoga instructor on, was featured on the Bob Harper’s Skinny Rules DVD series and the Yogafit Indo Board Yoga DVD, and is the founder of

"Drink a good amount of water every day, but especially during the holidays." Not only does water speed up your metabolism (which is great for fat burning), it also helps you reach a level of satiety more quickly. If you were to only drink one 10-12 ounce glass of water before a meal you would consume roughly 75 fewer calories per meal. Seems like a small number? Now multiply it by 365 days a year, you would consume 27,000 fewer calories over the course of the year which equates to roughly 8 pounds. Also my clients follow an easy portion control guideline that I learned while studying for my Precision Nutrition certification, that we modify during the holidays by adding half a palm your favorite dessert while still sticking to our original portions.

Troy Brooks, NYC

Troy Brooks is a fitness professional and motivational coach, whose main goal is to impact and change lives through fitness and a healthy balanced lifestyle. Overcoming his own health struggles and losing over 60 pounds in 9 months by making healthy lifestyle changes inspired him to share his knowledge with others and become the best trainer he could be. With clients ranging from Ralph Lauren, Inside Edition, The Wendy Williams Show, LVMH, Hublot and the National Basketball Association, Troy is passionate about helping people achieve optimal goals. 

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