GoRecess Playground Pro: Annette Comerchero, ElliptiFit; Los Angeles, CA



Where She Teaches: Founder of ElliptiFit

City Where She Teaches: Los Angeles, CA

Hometown: Elma, WA

Background: Annette founded ElliptiFit for one simple reason: to get the best workout in the least amount of time having the most fun.  In her 20 years of experience in the fitness industry, Annette has seen firsthand how exercise can improve the day-to-day life of individuals both physically and mentally.  As a spin studio instructor leading packed classes at Beverly Hills Country Club for 15 years, she developed fresh techniques to keep her classes innovative and her clients totally engaged.

The experience Annette offers will drive you to re-invent yourself.  And she knows how to do this while simultaneously immersing you in positivity with a connectedness toward the class community.  It is her goal for everyone to have a place to enhance their body and vitality with excellent motivation and experienced supervision.  Plus, she’s a blast!


What inspired you to open ElliptiFit and what makes it unique? As people get busier and busier, there is a need to get the most out of your workouts in the least amount of time.  ElliptiFit is the ultimate time-efficient upper and lower body workout that includes warm-up, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), and cool down in 45 minutes. In short, ElliptiFit is a low-impact, comprehensive exercise program that maximizes results and minimizes the risk of injury.

What makes ElliptiFit such an effective workout and why do you recommend it over other workouts such as running or indoor cycling? In addition to HIIT, we include core work and resistance training to improve strength and muscle tone.  ElliptiFit is the model of efficiency and effectiveness since it combines cardio, balance and cross-training in a low-impact format.

How many calories can you burn in an average class? Because people control their own effort based on their level of fitness, regular participants burn between 400 and upwards of 700 calories per class as well as a continued increase in calorie burn due to the metabolism boosting effects of HIIT.

For someone who has never tried ElliptiFit, what should they expect in their first class? Any advice for elliptical newbies? Many people who take their first class at EllpitiFit are surprised at the versatility of the workout and the range of exercises that can be done on an elliptical trainer. We advise anyone new to ElliptiFit to go easy at first and increase intensity in subsequent classes.  We have seen that most people experience tangible results after about two weeks of consistent training.

What’s hot on ElliptiFit’s playlist? I like to incorporate songs you hear on the radio along with music with a driving beat to motivate the intensity of each workout. Our Bigassfan and sexy lighting will also inspire and energize your experience!!


How would you describe your personal teaching style? I find tremendous joy in motivating people to enjoy their work out and reach their fitness goals. I also personalize the workout and acknowledge the efforts of our students.

What you love about group fitness classes and what other types of workouts do you incorporate into your ElliptiFit routine? As a longtime Spinning® instructor, I have always enjoyed the camaraderie and excitement of group classes.  Students and teachers alike thrive on that energy.  At ElliptiFit, we place extra emphasis on stretching inspired by dance and yoga as part of the cool-down at the end of each class.

What do you eat/not eat? Your guilty pleasure? Everyone knows that diet AND exercise are the keys to improved fitness.  Balance is also important and indulging in popcorn at the movies (especially if there is white cheddar, ranch or cinnamon sugar flavor to sprinkle on top) equals balance in my life.  :)

Favorite things to do/places to go in LA when you’re not teaching? I love the art walks and any restaurant with an outside patio and friendly staff!

If you could give GoRecess users one piece of fitness advice what would it be? Find a workout that’s challenging AND fun.  You are more likely to stick with it if it’s F-U-N!

LA fans - Ready to have some fun? Check out a class at ElliptiFit today!

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