5 Tips to Take on the February Fitness "Blahs"


- By Caila Ball

It’s the shortest month of the year, yet February seems to drag by the slowest. The days are (still) short, the snow is (still) falling and beach weather is (still) months away. While the temptation to set serious exercise aside until the temperature rises above freezing is strong, resist it for the sake of long-term fitness goals. Brave the demotivating month, and take on the February Fitness Blahs with these 5 tips!

1.  Team Up Against the Blahs

February has a way of defeating even the most motivated fitness enthusiast, but it doesn’t stand a chance against a united front! Working out is better together, so gather a team of friends, or even a partner, and stay on track together. Sign up for a team activity, such as adult dodgeball or indoor soccer, or plan smaller group workouts in advance. Keep the workout team accountable by enforcing a “no cancellation policy” that requires anyone who cancels to throw cash into a fun fund to be spent on dinner at the end of the season.

2.  Try Something New

Finding it challenging to stick to your old routine? Make a new one! February is the perfect time to try a new fitness class, such as TRX, CrossFit, barre or Pilates reformer. Not only will stepping outside your comfort zone combat boredom, but trying new activities will prevent exercise plateau.

3.  Revisit New Year’s Resolutions

In retrospect, the seven-day-a-week/ 5-hour-a-day workout plan and raw vegetable-based diet plan was probably doomed from the beginning. Don’t let falling off New Year’s resolutions be an excuse for giving in until next January 1. Instead, set new, realistic goals with a few check-in points between now and Spring. Now that the holiday bills are (hopefully) paid off, consider investing in a fitness tracker, such as a Nike FuelBand, FitBit or Jawbone, to track these (new) New Year’s resolutions and keep you motivated to achieve your goals.

4.  Create Your Own Local Olympics

Take a break from enjoying the Sochi Olympics from the couch, and try an Olympic-inspired outdoor sport or activity yourself. Embrace the colder weather - not to mention the world-class Olympic performances - and try skiing, snowboarding, ice skating or curling to enjoy the great outdoors while improving cardio and conditioning.

5. Sign Up for a Spring Race

The cold weather has to end at some point, and when it does, there will be road races abound! Start training now for a 5K, 10k, half-marathon or mud run/obstacle race. A short term race goal will provide that extra motivation needed to put the cold front behind you and commit to your Winter cardio.

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