Carrot Zinger Detox Recipe


Not only does Alyssa Rasul motivate us with her amazing Mind Body Bootcamp classes at Circuit of Change, but she also helps us feel great from the inside out.  With her online seasonal detox programs, nutrition workshops and ongoing wellness guidance, Alyssa makes clean plant-based eating easy (and super tasty).  

Here, Alyssa shares this super easy Carrot Zinger detox recipe to add a natural energy boost to your day.

Ingredients (makes 1-2 servings):
2 carrots
1 green apple
1 inch piece of ginger
juice from one lemon

Juice all of the ingredients through a juicer. If you don't have a juicer, use a high speed blender and a cheesecloth or nut milk bag to strain the juice. 
Try adding a dash of cinnamon, turmeric, or cayenne for increased digestion (optional).

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