Short & Sweet Ways to Get an Energy Burst


Photo credit: Ridofranz; Getty images

Ideally, we’d be able to get from a Level 1 to 10 with a snap of our fingers. Still, instant energy isn’t out of reach. Here are ways to feel more awake fast — no caffeine required.

Step outside. Natural daylight can be more stimulating than a cup of coffee. Why? It prompts your brain to release serotonin, a hormone associated with boosting mood and focus.

Jump in a cold shower. The shivers are worth it: Cold water enhances your blood flow, increases your body’s metabolism and kicks up your heart rate.

Take a few deep breaths. Deep breathing from the diaphragm gets your blood pumping, which also boosts energy all day long.

Chug some water. Even mild dehydration can cause sleepiness, so down a glass or two when you start to feel sluggish.

Laugh. Laughter can lower your blood pressure and help oxygen flow freely through your bloodstream. The more oxygen your blood absorbs, the more alert you will feel.

DIY acupressure. Stimulate your nerve endings to increase your blood flow. Here’s one trick: Vigorously rub each earlobe between your thumb and forefinger for one minute.

Take a disco nap. Sometimes, catching a little sleep is all you need for a pick-me-up. Just 20 minutes of napping can help improve your alertness.

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