
5 Exercises for Flab-Free Arms


- By Jenna Arndt, Instructor at SWERVE Fitness

At SWERVE, we love to ride hard, but we also give you five minutes of upper body work as a break for your legs before crossing the finish line a little stronger.  Though the weight is light, efficient repetitions start to add up, 2-5 lb. dumbbells start to feel more like barbells and you'll begin to notice results from [...]

FitReserve Studio Spotlight: Sixth Street Pilates


Sixth Street Pilates believes that Pilates is for everybody with every body. This airy, intimate studio in the heart of the East Village focuses on giving individual attention to students in small group classes and private sessions. Improve your technique with instructors that have been certified at some of the top teacher certification programs in the country.

Neighborhood: East Village

Classes Offered: Reformer/Springboard – Beginner,  Intermediate [...]

10 Reasons to Try Boxing Fitness


- By George Foreman III, Co-founder of EveryBodyFights® & Creator of BoxFIIT™ 

Boxing fitness can challenge and strengthen you both mentally and physically. Here are 10 reasons to try it for yourself:

  1. Full Body Workout: Boxing fitness will engage your upper body, lower body and core which will improve strength, endurance, agility, power and balance. When done properly, boxing fitness can burn up [...]

FitReserve Studio Spotlight: TrampoLEAN


Talk about a playground workout! Get ready to jump for joy at TrampoLEAN, the rebounding, resistance training workout that will have you sweating with a smile. Classes are taught on premium mini trampolines, and combine cardio endurance, muscle toning, and high intensity interval training. Though these classes are a blast, they’re also very effective, and will have you jumping your way into fitness.

Neighborhood: Hell’s Kitchen


FitReserve Studio Spotlight: MyStryde


Nice try, Boston weather, but you can’t keep us from training for a marathon this winter. Brand new to FitReserve – and brand new to Boston – MyStryde is bringing the indoor running class trend to New England with its sweet new North End studio. Featuring twelve WOODWAY treadmills, this boutique studio helps you improve your speed, cardio endurance and form in motivating small group classes.
